Alert 21
Message from Nationals on Housing at NLSC
All state-registered participants must be housed in the hotel assigned by SkillsUSA for their state, unless otherwise approved by the SkillsUSA Office of Conference, Meeting and Event Management. If participants are not staying within their assigned state delegation room block, their NLSC registration for programs and events is in jeopardy.
Alert 20
How to Wear Your Name Badge

Pin Placement
From the Leadership Handbook

SkillsUSA Attire


Alert 18
SkillsUSA National Customer Care Contact Information
The National Team at SkillsUSA is available to assist you.
Call> 844-875-4557
Email> Click the photo to link to an agent
Contact Us> Click the photo to chat with a team member> select "Contact Us" on the lower right side of the screen
Alert 17
Membership Dues
The PA SkillsUSA Delegates voted to increase State Student Membership dues this year. Below are the following
membership fees:
Secondary National 8.00 + State 8.00 = 16.00
Postsecondary National 8.00 + State 8.00 = 16.00
Professional National 20.00 + State 5.00 = 25.00
Alert 16
Welding and Welding Fabrication in March at Penn College
The SLSC at Penn College will be March 11, 2025.
Please register your competitors as soon as registration opens
on February 4th . Do not remove them after competition. If you are bringing more than one advisor to Penn College, please email for confirmation.

Alert 15
New Address for the SkillsUSA National Office
673 Potomac Station Drive
PMB #809
Leesburg, VA 20176

673 Potomac Station Drive
PMB #809
Leesburg, VA 20176
Alert 14
PA Pin Competition and Contests Explained
There are 3 Pin Designs in PA
Details are listed under Downloads on the Home Page
1. The Pin Design leads to Nationals - use the National Technical Standards located in Absorb
2. The PA State Trading Pin Contest - this is the pin we use to trade at NLSC. Instructions are located under Downloads> PA State Trading Pin Contest. The submission deadline is Jan 10th.
3. PA VOLVO Pin Contest - this will be a bonus pin for trading at NLSC. Instructions are located under Downloads> PA VOLVO Pin Contest. It's brought to you by VOLVO Construction Equipment!
The submission deadline is December 18th.
Alert 11
Eligibility Explained for Co-Op, Work Based Learning, Diversified Occupations
The following information can be located in the SkillsUSA Championship General Regulations, 2024-26 under our Downloads or at Review the 2024-2026 National Technical Standards for specifics to your competition eligibility.
Page 12
20 b 1. High school competitors must be students enrolled in a coherent program of study, a community training program, and/or a work-based learning experience
(internship, co-op, apprenticeship, clinical experience, etc.) that prepares the
student for further education and/or employment related to career and technical
education, including the health industry. Further, a high school competitor must be
earning credit toward a high school diploma/certificate or its equivalent during the
academic year immediately preceding the National Leadership & Skills Conference
Alert 9
March 1st is an important deadline date for SkillsUSA. Please review the calendar on the Home Page for details.
MOST IMPORTANT is National Registration. Your SLSC participants must be Registered Members to attend.
Click the photo to link to SkillsUSA National Registration.
Alert 7
10/16/2024 Updated from 24-26 NTS
JSD A - demonstrate and explain an entry-level technical skill used in their occupational area
JSD Open - demonstrate and explain an entry-level technical skill used either in the occupational area for which they are training or outside the training area
Alert 6
9/12/2024 New this year
National uploads to PA site
Your National registration for membership will be uploaded to the PA site each week on Tuesday and Friday evening. At that time, members will be available to register for events.
Alert 5
Cake Decorating will remain in PA
It is a two-member team from Culinary and/or Baking and Pastry. One team per District can attend State Competition.
The State Theme will follow the National Esthetics Competition Theme. The 2025 Theme is available at SkillsUSA> Competition Updates
This competition is not available at NLSC.

Alert 4
Instructions for Total Participation Plan (TPP) Schools
How to become a TPP school. This link will take you directly to the National Site location to acquire the instructions. We are here to help if you have questions.> Join> How to Join> Total Participation Plan
Click on the Blue Box to go directly to the site. Instructions and prices are available under Total Participation Affiliation and Pricing link located in red.
Alert 3
How to Access the National Technical Standards & Membership
The National Technical Standards are available in Absorb.
You must be a Professional Member.
How to upload membership.
Alert 2
District Leader Training
Training is available for District Leaders to prepare for District competition.
Alert 1
Welcome & Explanation
Welcome to SkillsUSA PA Alerts. Each Alert will be dated to simplify your filing system. This section of our website will be strictly pertinent information for your Chapter. Allow me to reassure you – it will be need to know updated info. I will not fill it with useless information. Check here periodically. Thank you!