
Count down to our State Conference
in Hershey, PA April 2-4, 2025

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Our Mission
SkillsUSA is America's proud champion of the skilled trades.
Our mission is to empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready
leaders and responsible community members.
Links will be available with updates prior to events. Contact the State Director if you need copies sooner.
Tentative SLSC Schedule 2023-2024
2025 Alumni Award
National Officer Candidate Application
PA Alumni Membership Application
My name is Dodie Amigh, and it's been the thrill of lifetime serving as your SkillsUSA Pennsylvania Executive Director.
Where it all began:
I joined VICA in 1987 and I haven’t removed the red jacket since. I was in Washington DC when we officially changed the name to SkillsUSA. I celebrated the 25th and the 50th Anniversary with a team of exceptional advisors and mentors. My passion for this organization is tireless and unwavering.

My personal life:
My family at home discovered if they wanted to be part of my world, then the SkillsUSA family would become part of their lives. My husband, Paul, served as a SkillsUSA Advisor for many years. Truth be told, he has more student National medals under his tutelage than I do. Our daughter, Devyn, earned a National Gold Medal and served as a two-time State Officer. They discovered their own path in this incredible organization. It’s been a family affair. Surprising to most people, we also have a son, Brandon. He never wore a red jacket, but he too embraced the devotion of serving our community in his career. We are a family of servant leaders.
My priorities in this role:
My number one priority will always be the student members. I believe that if the advisors are informed and happy, the students will be too. Together we will build on the existing legacy of SkillsUSA Pennsylvania. Loyalty, integrity, transparency, and respect for one another - even when we disagree - are very important to me. I hope you all feel the same. I look forward to this opportunity to serve you. All I ask is for patience and a desire to work towards a common goal ~ the success of our members.
This year’s theme is “Ignite Your Potential” and it encompasses what I've observed while working with Team PA! Together as one, we celebrate our rich and productive history and continue marching towards success.
Contact Us
By Mail
373 Edna Street
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM
(814) 312-4924